Professional renowned teacher team, recommended and selected by renowned teachers, quickly helps you learn more knowledge
Hardcover – Illustrated, Feb. 14 2013
by Frank R. Giordano , William P. Fox , Steven B. Horton (Author)
Offering a solid introduction to the entire modeling process, A FIRST COURSE IN MATHEMATICAL MODELING, 5th Edition delivers an excellent balance of theory and practice, and gives you relevant, hands-on experience developing and sharpening your modeling skills. Throughout, the book emphasizes key facets of modeling, including creative and empirical model construction, model analysis, and model research, and provides myriad opportunities for practice. The authors apply a proven six-step problem-solving process to enhance your problem-solving capabilities -- whatever your level. In addition, rather than simply emphasizing the calculation step, the authors first help you learn how to identify problems, construct or select models, and figure out what data needs to be collected. By involving you in the mathematical process as early as possible -- beginning with short projects -- this text facilitates your progressive development and confidence in mathematics and modeling.
Hardcover – Dec 6 2021
by Sandip Banerjee (Author)
Hardcover – Illustrated, March 12 2007
by Sarah P. Otto (Author), Troy Day (Author)
Thirty years ago, biologists could get by with a rudimentary grasp of mathematics and modeling. Not so today. In seeking to answer fundamental questions about how biological systems function and change over time, the modern biologist is as likely to rely on sophisticated mathematical and computer-based models as traditional fieldwork. In this book, Sarah Otto and Troy Day provide biology students with the tools necessary to both interpret models and to build their own.
Paperback – Illustrated, March 6 2000
by Edward A. Bender (Author)
Employing a practical, "learn by doing" approach, this first-rate text fosters the development of the skills beyond the pure mathematics needed to set up and manipulate mathematical models. The author draws on a diversity of fields — including science, engineering, and operations research — to provide over 100 reality-based examples. Students learn from the examples by applying mathematical methods to formulate, analyze, and criticize models. Extensive documentation, consisting of over 150 references, supplements the models, encouraging further research on models of particular interest. The lively and accessible text requires only minimal scientific background. Designed for senior college or beginning graduate-level students, it assumes only elementary calculus and basic probability theory for the first part, and ordinary differential equations and continuous probability for the second section. All problems require students to study and create models, encouraging their active participation rather than a mechanical approach.
Paperback – Illustrated, Aug. 13 2004
by Walter J. Meyer (Author)
Appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students, this text features independent sections that illustrate the most important principles of mathematical modeling, a variety of applications, and classic models. Students with a solid background in calculus and some knowledge of probability and matrix theory will find the material entirely accessible. The range of subjects includes topics from the physical, biological, and social sciences, as well as those of operations research. Discussions cover related mathematical tools and the historical eras from which the applications are drawn. Each section is preceded by an abstract and statement of prerequisites, and answers or hints are provided for selected exercises. 1984 edition.
Hardcover – Illustrated, March 30 2014
by Angela B. Shiflet (Author), George W. Shiflet (Author)
The essential introduction to computational science―now fully updated and expanded Computational science is an exciting new field at the intersection of the sciences, computer science, and mathematics because much scientific investigation now involves computing as well as theory and experiment. This textbook provides students with a versatile and accessible introduction to the subject. It assumes only a background in high school algebra, enables instructors to follow tailored pathways through the material, and is the only textbook of its kind designed specifically for an introductory course in the computational science and engineering curriculum. While the text itself is generic, an accompanying website offers tutorials and files in a variety of software packages.
Paperback – Illustrated, Nov. 11 2009
by Andrew Ford (Author)
Modeling the Environment was the first textbook in an emerging field-the modeling techniques that allow managers and researchers to see in advance the consequences of actions and policies in environmental management. This new edition brings the book thoroughly up to date and reaffirms its status as the leading introductory text on the subject. System dynamics is one of the most widely known and widely used methods of modeling. The fundamental principles of this approach are demonstrated here with a wide range of examples, including geo-hydrology, population biology, epidemiology and economics. The applications demonstrate the transferability of the systems approach across disciplines, across spatial scales, and across time scales. All of the models are implemented with stock and flow software programs such as Stella and Vensim. These programs are easy and fun to learn, and they allow students to develop realistic models within the first few weeks of a college course.